Really madame Roy !!?

Despite knowing all the facts, Arundhti Roy  is intentionally giving such misleading statements. It’s not the first time she is projecting an entirely untrue version of the facts. By using her celeb status she has done it for years and we the ordinary citizens of India remained disgusted and silent. 

She opposed the Narmada project by saying “she was fighting for the rights of affected locals.” It is necessary to know that these locals received compensation from government and the project was essential for the drought affected areas of three states.  Lakhs of women reduced their life expectancy due to fetching water daily from far away areas. Farmers suffered, agricultural production suffered… but Madame Roy who was busy projecting herself as saviour of mankind, did not bother. The project was delayed for more than 2 decades and the three states suffered from water scarcity. The government and taxpayers were bearing financial burden of a delayed project. On the other side Arundhati Roy remained busy…in what? 

  • She appeared in Franny Armstrong’s documentary ‘ DROWNED OUT’ 
  • She received the Sydney peace prize 
  • Lannan cultural freedom award 
  • She received special recognition as woman of peace award in San-Francisco 
  • She received global recognition as a human rights activist 

Now let’s talk about the other views that she has expressed.

  • In August 2002 she gave an interview to the Times of India and expressed that “Kashmir should be separated from India.”  She has shown her support towards Kashmiri separatism.  
  • She criticized the Indian government’s testing of nuclear weapons in Pokhran by saying “there is an unmistakeable stench of fascism on the breeze.” 
  • Roy raised an issue against the death penalty of Afzal guru who attacked the Indian parliament in 2001. She addressed convicted criminal Afzal guru as a ‘ prisoner of war’
  • After the 2008 Mumbai attacks she gave a statement to The Guardian that this attack should be viewed as a result of partition of India and 2002 Gujarat violence. 
  • She condemned the Indian government for armed action against Naxalites. She said “Naxalites are fighting for the constitution and Government is vandalising it.”
  • She provoked people not to give identity proof for national registration. 
  • After accepting various awards from a completely non-violent world, she declined the award of Sahitya Academy India by saying “she stands against violence and intolerance”. A woman who supported Afzal guru, Naxalites, Kashmiri separatist is representing herself as an ambassador of peace. Logic just died a thousand deaths. 

In all these years she kept giving utterly melic and misleading statements about India just to achieve personal glory on the global platform… An image building exercise or a hysteric notion of self-righteousness. Taking this habit too far she also gave opinions on international issues.  But the most interesting thing is her selection of certain words. Her most favourite word so far is ‘GENOCIDE’. 

  • When the U.S. declared war on Afghanistan she said its GENOCIDE 
  • When Shri Lanka adopted strict measures against LTTE she said its Government sponsored  GENOCIDE 
  • For  Gujarat 2002 she did not talk about Godhra but for the consequential  violence she said it’s GENOCIDE 
  • And now when the entire nation is fighting a pandemic and the government is trying hard to treat affected citizens, she is saying Indian Government is planning GENOCIDE. 

Dear western countries…do you recognise this image building at the cost of harmony and truth? Do you realise that this is the smartness of being a culprit and playing the victim at the same time? Do you know that most of such human right activists are the biggest threat to humanity? She glorified the fact that she has donated her prize money for a social cause but you will never know the loss of human wealth and burden on government treasury she caused. You will never know the conflict and distrust she caused between majority and minority. I guess this is how the world operates…what matters is just the facade of activism. 

And Madame Roy…Just 1 word to say on behalf of the tolerant majority and my secular nation… “Disgusting”

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