To drink or not to drink

Though the title sounds well-thought, this write up is a by-product of some funny incidents. 

I don’t drink and it’s not a moral decision. There are certain things which do not appeal to you or do not make sense to you ….liquor is that thing to me. This statement does not mean that I have not done my share of senseless things in life.

Now coming to the actual point, I feel that non-drinkers are facing too much pressure and are not easily accepted in artistic or intellectual circles. I know this statement is very weird but trust me it is difficult to prove yourself as progressive and creative if you don’t drink. It’s almost like being a politician and not wearing white khadi. There is so much pressure…it makes you insecure.

Okay so to prove this let me share some incidents. I was thinking of making a power point presentation but that will be too desperate. 

  1. I work with theatre groups and sometimes there are huge groups performing in different cities. Whenever we are performing in Ahmedabad, I remain a part of the project but whenever it is in different state I get replaced. It’s hilarious but the logic is I am an odd-man-out when it comes to parties. Now In my mind I am a fun person but they think I am boring. This proves that my habit (lack of habit) is the cause of my loss. A bohemian lifestyle and a trance like state is the only thing that can help me fit in.
  1. A few days ago I was talking to someone considered as very intelligent. That person told me with a frowning face “I hate puritans like you.  …hypocrites.” I understand that we all have the right to hate whoever we want but the problem is that person doesn’t even know me. Actually non-drinkers are less so they are being judged for their unconventional behaviour. Can we protest against this as an injustice towards a minority? What is the criteria of my hypocrisy? A glass of some liquid?
  1. Last but not the least, last month we went to Germany. I wanted to visit Hitler’s concentration camp so I went with a group of 10 people. They all were mainly British or European. The temperature of the day was 6 degrees so after the visit they all decided to go for a drink. When they invited me to join them I did not feel like telling them that I don’t drink. It may be a fear of considered ‘DESI’. In a rush to answer I foolishly said “I don’t drink before 7 in the evening.” They didn’t insist but I cursed myself for not giving a more logical answer. Exactly at that moment I realised that I was embarrassed for wrong reasons. Being modern has nothing to do with my drinking habits. 

The world is changing, society is changing. Everything that was conventional is now becoming unconventional. I am not bothered about right and wrong but the only question I want to ask is “is it necessary to be in sync with the trend? Drink if you wish but why confuse it with higher intellect or modernity?

So the moral of the story is Non-drinkers can be artistic, intelligent and modern people. They deserve acceptance and equal treatment. 

Disclaimer- This is a light hearted write-up and if it includes any real life incidents, they are only mine.

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